I have been in charge of cooking most of the dinners (what else is new!) lately because I am usually at home and done working out before Beth. I get my stuff done early in the morning and at lunch and Beth's schedule has her working out in the morning and evening. So here's a couple of things I cooked up last week. These are by no means any kind of of gourmet or complicated meals. They are just simple, healthy, and most importantly... quick. If you want more gourmet cooking checkout J.P.'s blog. He's cooking up some awesome stuff... and racing fast!
We also made a couple trips to El Caribe. Having a healthy restaurant right around the corner with killer food makes life easy when things are busy. Perfect food for post workout and fueling for the next day... and cheap.
Monday I cooked something new. Cornish game hens.
I split and cleaned the hens and then marinated them with some BBQ sauce and spices while I was at work. I got some cooking tips from J.P.. When I got home I threw them on the grill.
They came out awesome! I was kind of shocked. I mean I had hoped they would be good, but blew my expectations away. I can't wait to cook them again.
On Wednesday I made some carne asada and shrimp fajitas. I marinated some top sirloin, shrimp, bell peppers and onions in a healthy, all-natural Asada marinade that Beth picked up. I usually like to make my own marinades but this stuff looked good and I was in a hurry to get them marinating before heading to work. I was really stoked about this meal and it was quick, easy, and healthy.
When I got home from work I just threw the veggies and meat on the grill and broke out the salsa, organic whole wheat tortillas, and guacamole. I hadn't made mexican food at home in a while and this hit the spot. I need to get back at it. So from here on out I am stealing the Cotter's (another killer blog with good food) idea and having at least one taco (burrito/fajita) night each week.
On Friday night I was on my own for dinner while Beth was getting her swim on down at the cove with the Tri club. I bought some healthy turkey burgers from Costco this week and really wanted to give them a go. So after I got home from my ocean swim I fired up the grill. They are frozen patties but don't have any added ingredients and 35 grams of protein. Just what my scrawny butt needs. I just made a grilled turkey burger wrap and some grilled sweet potato fries. It was good.
Another thing that has been going on is some serious lunch packing. We both make and take our lunch everyday... and plenty of snacks. So right after dinner, before we clean up the kitchen, we go into full on assembly line, lunch making mode. We have been trying to make extra at dinner so we left overs which helps speed up the process.
Salads for 2.
a day of food for Beth.
one last thing. I restocked the mixed nuts supply this week on a trip to henry's. How long do you think it will take us to go through this (about 3.15 lbs)? I put the date on them to see.